John Carpenter’s “They Live” is an interesting Sci-Fi film.
Released in 1988, “They Live” chronicles a time where the American middle class is being reduced to poverty and the gap between the Haves and Have-nots is greater than ever before.
In Carpenter’s tale, the downturn of America’s working class is the result of a well planned strategy created by an invading skull-faced civilization from another planet, and a coalition of the elite, most powerful businessmen and politicians on Earth.
Not surprisingly the general public is kept in the dark through a constant stream of subliminal signals, stealthy messages and propaganda broadcast through state-controlled television. Only our hero, former professional wrestler Roddy Piper, and a small band of freedom fighters know the truth.
The public-at-large fully realizes that life is not what it used to be; jobs are scarce, there are soup lines and shantytowns for the growing number of homeless, America is becoming a police state, and individualism and independent thinking are under attack from the powers at the top.
The atmosphere of the world is being slowly polluted and blamed on rampant industrialism and capitalism, when in reality the environment is being changed intentionally to make it more hospitable to the alien puppet masters.
In a black tie gathering of the power elite, both mankind and alien, all are told how the takeover is progressing well, opposition by the common man is down, and that financial profits for those select humans involved in the conspiracy are up 39-percent over previous years.
A serious look at America today would lead one to believe that skull-faced aliens have invaded Washington, DC, yet I know that it’s something more sinister and less science fiction. The demise of the middle class and the continuing power grab at the top is being orchestrated by men and women who should know better than to mess with America and the God fearing ideals on which it was founded.
The outrageous behavior by many of those in power today bears no similarity to those men and women who made this country the greatest in history. It’s time to let the “aliens” in DC know that a new hope and change are coming in the next Congressional election.
Sheila Jackson-Lee - are you and your cronies listening…?