Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Taking Life Month By Month

June is National Accordion Awareness Month. Who knew? It's also National Turkey Lover's Month, National Bathroom Reading Month and National Safety Month. I guess you can never be too safe when loving your turkey while reading the current issue of "Playpoulty" magazine in the bathroom. Of course you only read it for the articles.

I was intrigued that a single month could hold so many observances, so I did a Google search and guess what?

June is National Dairy Month and Dairy Alternative Month. It's also National Seafood Month and has a Fish Are Our Friends, Not Food! week. Are these sending mixed messages or is it just me?

It's Celibacy Awareness Month and World Infertility Month, has a Meet A Mate Week, and a National HIV Testing Day. There may be a theme here.

It's easy to make the connection between National Old-time Fiddler's Week and Watermelon Seed Spitting Week. Toss in a jar of moonshine, some pork rinds and a hound dog named Blue, and it's a party waiting to happen.

June is National Ice Tea Month, National Soul Food Month, National Steakhouse Month, National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month, National Papaya Month, and has a National Gingerbread Day, Applesause Cake Day, Eat Your Vegetables Day, National Ice Cream Soda Day, Fudge Day, Pecan Sandies Day, and a National Chocolate Pudding Day. It's no wonder June is also National Potty Training Month.

I think it's odd that June has a Take Your Dog To Work Day and a National Ugly Dog Day. Maybe they could combine the two for a Take Your Ugly Dog To Work Day. Just a thought.

Now I'm really looking forward to July, because it's National Baked Bean Month, National July Belongs to Blueberries Month, National Ice Cream Month, Lasagna Awareness Month, National Culinary Arts Month, National Hot Dog Month, National Picnic Month, and National Pickle Month.

It's great taking life month by month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
